Voting is something that many people in America have written off as useless, or unnecessary. There are countless numbers of reasons why that is the wrong decision. The first reason people in America decide not to vote is because they think that one vote doesn't make a difference. Well, as the saying goes if you think you're too small to make a difference, try going to bed with a mosquito in the room. Every vote counts. Some elections have come down to only tens of thousands of people, and this one is shaping up to be one of the closest yet. The first city to vote, a small town of 10 in New Hampshire tied for the first time ever 5 to 5, if only one of them hadn't voted, than the results would have been swayed. Okay, most non-voters would then reply that they don't live in a small town so it doesn't matter, well, over 30% of eligible voters did not vote last election, if they all voted for John McCain, he would have become president.
Another set of reasons would be that they live in a 'set state' that always votes Democrat or vice versa. That reason could be because a huge amount of people there don't vote. People might also say that voting is inconvenient however it's pretty clear that one day every four years of voting can't really be called an inconvenience. Some say voting is rigged, well, that may be true, but if your vote is counted, and you vote for a candidate who supports voting fraud reducing legislation, then that could change.
The last reason is because voting is a privilege and it is disrespectful to abuse it. Many people believe throwing food away is a horrible thing to do, because it is disrespectful to those who don't have to be wasting what those in need could have had. The same applies to voting. The founders of America fought and lost many patriots in the fight for independence and democracy, so it's important we honor those men's great work every time we go to vote. The last reason is that it sets a good example for the rest of the world. People say that America should be a leader in the world. Well shouldn't a country that wants to lead the world at least be able to have its people vote? Voting decides a country's future for four years, it effects everybody. Fellow Americans, please vote.
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