Sunday, October 28, 2012

3D Printing-A New Revolution

The biggest invention since the factory. 3 dimensional printing is a revolutionary new technology that can be used for a plethora of different interests. For example, even though now, the biggest objects one can create on a 3D printer are tiny to say the least, it can be used to create a spoon at will. If this technology evolves like the car, then in 50 years, people could become self sufficient, and make their own products out of the convenience of their homes.

If that doesn't convince you of the potential of 3D printing just check out This Website. It clearly illustrates that 3D printing has already taken a step towards every day usage. Currently, the price of the cheapest 3D printers are still over $1,000 a pretty penny for the average Joe, the high-end model shown above is expected to cost a little under $17, 500. But, let's not get to worked up about the price, everything needs time to evolve and over the next couple of decades the price should drop significantly, just look at the light bulb, when it first came out it was a fortune, but now it's something that we incorporate in our everyday life without even noticing.

Of course there are some downsides to this new technology, some people argue it should be made illegal because it would kill manufacturing, students even build a car with a 3d printer, but then again factories killed farming, and it turned out to be for the most part a good thing. And since factories have much more negative effects than 3D printers, they pollute they sometime abuse workers, and they take up massive amounts of real estate. So maybe it's time to give back the power to create back to the people.

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